• Topdocenten
  • Uitstekend cursusmateriaal
  • Persoonlijke ondersteuning
  • Slagingspercentage: 91%

Session Missed

International Business Administration (IBA)

Over deze cursus

Missed a live session due to circumstances?

All of our sessions stored in the cloud. These recordings are reviewed by the customer service team for completeness and for preventing forwarding fraud. Thanks to this reimbursement, we can make these recordings available for up to 7 days after purchase to any student who unexpectedly misses a class. The instructor will always be available to answer your questions about the exam material.

Note: We're trying to help you asap. However, it may take up to 48 hours until you receive the recording in your mailbox.

How to request a recording:

  1. Add the product below to your shopping cart.
  2. Check your information and complete your order.
  3. Send an email to recordings@athenastudies.nl with (1) the name of the course (and also what kind), (2) the group number and (3) the date of the live session you missed. For exampleFinance & Investments Crash Course, Group 2, 8-12-2022.

Should the recordings be unavailable due to technical defects, your money will be refunded within three business days.

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Cursussen en tentamentrainingen van AthenaStudies voor studenten aan de Tilburg University. AthenaStudies is geen onderdeel van de Tilburg University. Bekijk direct de groepen die wij aanbieden voor het vak Session Missed bij International Business Administration. Onze topdocenten geven je de ondersteuning die jij nodig hebt. Gecombineerd met ons studiemateriaal van hoge kwaliteit word je optimaal voorbereid op jouw tentamen.